services provided


Street and Highway Systems:


  • Urban Street Systems – Design of street systems including horizontal and vertical alignments, typical sections, earthwork and design quantities for construction
  • Rural Road Systems – Designs of rural roadways including horizontal and vertical alignments, typical sections, earthwork and design quantities for construction
  • Storm Sewers – Design of storm sewer systems along urban roadways
  • Bridges and Culverts – Design of pipe culverts and box culverts including new structures, precast structures and extensions. Design of small standard bridges 
  • Traffic Studies – Obtain data for traffic studies, including turning movement counts, queue length counts, travel time, and saturation counts.
  • Road Geometry – Design of the horizontal alignments, returns and turning lanes.
  • Pavement Design – Design of rigid and flexible pavement sections
  • Drainage Design – Total drainage design of projects including analysis of all rainfall events.
  • Erosion Control Planning – Production of erosion control plans for use during construction to meet all state and local erosion control regulations.
  • Sidewalk Design – Design of sidewalk systems to meet the current ADA requirements.
  • Construction Inspection – Inspection of all types of projects, including erosion control inspections.

Airport Systems:


  • Drainage Design – Design of storm water systems throughout airport properties.
  • Topographic Survey – Design surveys of runways, taxiways and apron areas.
  • Pavement Mapping – Produce Pavement Condition Index (PCI) maps.

Low Impact Development Structures:


  • Bioretention Cells and Rain Gardens – Design of bioretention cells and rain gardens to infiltrate the Water Quality (WQv) rainfall event for a given site.
  • Streambank Stabilization – Design streambank stabilization projects using native soils, reinforced soils, riprap, and concrete retaining wall structures.
  • Permeable Pavement Design -- Design of permeable pavement systems, including permeable pavers and porous asphalt, to infiltrate storm water runoff from large paved surfaces.
  • Infiltration Trench –  Design of infiltration trenches to accept storm water runoff from paved surfaces and allow for infiltration to occur
  • Bioretention Swale – Design of a swale that will convey storm water while allowing it to infiltrate into a rock chamber below ground.
  • Underground Detention – Design of underground structures to store storm water and release it at a lower volume to reduce flows downstream.



  • Watershed Assessments – Assess watersheds to determine the growth that has occurred in the watershed, the current conditions of the water bodies in the watershed, and the potential for develop in the watershed and its impact on the water bodies.
  • Fresh Water Sampling – Obtained fresh water samples and conducted field analysis of the samples and/or contracting with local laboratories for lab testing of the samples